Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Possible idea for the Radio Trailer

After having researched about radio trailers,  I feel I have an idea on what might be a good idea as we want the trailer to be very innovative and also intriguing.

The Idea

In the film, our protagonist (David Jones) says nothing in the film and contains no dialogue and his reactions tell the story of his confusion of his day at work. Because of this, we only have three bits of dialogue from the secretaries and these are seen as negative from David's perspective. In order to get an idea for what this movie is about, I feel we need to have dialogue from David but it sounds like its his mind talking about his day at work and what is going wrong. By doing this then the audience can get a bit of an understanding about what the film is about and what genre it might be. I feel this might be a good idea as well to have the dialogue of one of the secretaries saying 'David - Your shoelace is undone' and he says 'hang on - no it isn't' to get that confusion to the audience of what is going on and why is the secretary saying his shoelace is undone when his mind is saying it isn't.

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