Monday, 6 October 2014

Mainstream Or Independent?

When we were deciding on the film one of the big things we were considering was whether our film should be mainstream or independent and this was something important we had to consider.

One of the big things we considered was what mainstream movies contain and also what independent films had. We realised that mainstream films, when conducting our research, contained various things our film does not contain. One of which is a simple and easy story to follow or based on something pop culture related which people are very aware about in the media. As well as this, the film normally bases itself more on the celebrities that have been cast in the film and not on the storyline. Finally as well as this a lot films are expected to give a spectacle and whether its based on  Examples like this include the films 'The Matrix' as the film bases itself more on the spectacle and action than on the story which is why the story is very simple and one that is very easy to follow.


 Another thing we were considering was what independent films contain and whilst mainstream rely more on the action than on the story in the film, independent films will expect a much more complex story than mainstream which can hook the audience as the audience is unaware about what will happen in the film and how it will end. This therefore should help the audience keep interested as they want to see how this story will conclude and most of all find out whether the characters can or will survive or fix the problem or end up dying as a result of it. An example of a low budget independent film is 'Attack The Block' as whilst the story is very simple about a gang having to defeat a alien race that is going to kill them, the story is much more complex and the action is limited in the film keeping the audience hooked about what was going to happen in the end. Would they survive in the end or get killed by this alien race? Whatever happens, the use of it being independent helps the film hook the audience as the film is very low budget and as a result of this then keeps the audience very interested in the film.

A Truncated Parable Of Complete Normality

After looking a various films we took into account and films which have similar conventions and story lines to our film, we feel as a group that the film should be independent instead of being mainstream and this is down to numerous reasons. The first reason is that the film has a storyline which is very complex to follow and something a mainstream film would not contain as mainstream films would normally simplify the storyline and make it very easy and universal for people to watch and understand around the world. Another reason on why the film should be independent is because mainstream films would expect a lot of action so therefore, because they are funded by well known conglomerates such as NBCUniversal and Warner Bros., they would expect the film to be done on a big scale. Because our film will be set in a office space and at a small town, the film we are making would be looked down upon if we tried to sell it to a mainstream company. We therefore we would consider selling it as a independent film and therefore because the film will be done on a low budget, people would be in a position where the film could have a much more positive review. We therefore would consider distributing and exhibiting on sites and channels such as Metrodome Distribution and Film4 as the film would be able to be easy to access and be something that could be screened, played on demand and also streamed on places such as the websites and on YouTube.

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