Friday, 5 September 2014

Film Idea 2

Genre: Fantasy/Historical

Someone is stuck in the same routine every day. They wake up, they get dressed, go to work, go home, walk their dog, go to sleep and repeat. After days of being bored of the same thing happening, one day their dog runs off while on his daily walk. When chasing the dog, she runs into a place she has never seen before, and out of curiosity, she explores. She ends up home. Now every day, the girl looks forward to studying the mystical forest, and trying to understand how it works. After researching into the area at work, she discovers that it was known to have had a mythological power to bend and manipulate geographical locations to prevent a secret being found out. With this being branded a legend, yet the girl clearly found it to be real, she attempts to find spells and actions that have been reportedly tried and tested by ancient tribes. Eventually, she discovers a spell, and goes out later at night to test it out. With a slight build in tension, the spell eventually works, and she walks into the light with her dog.

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