Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Analysis of Film Title

"A Truncated Parable of Complete Normality"

We decided on this title as a group, and decide to analyse the meaning behind the name. We didn't want a generic one worded title for this film because our idea would not have been given enough justice through a snappy name. As a result of this, we decided to dig deeper and create a meaningful title related to the film's message.
The name, on basic terms, means 'A short, consequential story about everyday life' which fits our plot exactly. The title we chose suggests there is a lesson to learn from the experiences we occur through everyday life, be it big or small, long or short. As David goes about his daily life he begins to learn new things about the world he lives in, and takes this information into his own hands by discovering his false existence. The message of the film is how people take time for granted and it also plays on the idea that the person playing the game is wasting their life repeating things over and over. In this case they are not even living their own life but playing an imaginary one. 

A message to everyone would be to appreciate the opportunities they have outside of their virtual obsessions. Be it video games, books or even social media, the world around them is open to so many experiences, you just need to realise it. The true meaning of the film isn't blatantly obvious, the audience must search for its, which opens it up to multiple interpretations.
Although our film has a more extreme approach on learning a lesson, it makes the audience appreciate subtle differences between each day they live, and how what happens in that day affects their life in the future.

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